Thursday, November 01, 2012

All Hallows Eve 2012

Who knows me?

Halloween - not my fave.

But with these two adorable superheroes, it's tolerable.

Okay, it was actually awesome!  Miles and Knox had a blast being Captain America and Superman, which means it was really fun for Jeremy and me too.  Seriously, how many times in this life can you wear tights and undies and be told you're awesome?  Not many.  Thankfully.  

I DIY'd the costumes, and if it weren't for Captain America's mask and shield I could have done both for less than ten bucks (I bought the mask and shield at Target, for the sake of durability in years to come).  Most of the rest of it you can find in your craft supplies or your kid's closet.

Miles loves Captain America.

And Knox has informed me that he doesn't want to go on the airplane next week when we go to Maui. Instead, he wants to wear his Superman cape and fly there by himself.  Wish he'd told me that before we bought his plane ticket.

I remember being so shy to trick or treat as a kid.  Not these two.

The boys got their treats early enough to come home and pass out candy to other ghosts and goblins, or superheroes as the case may be.  Apparently Superman had some trouble with the whole giving concept at first. 

But then he would peek around the corner and scout for incoming trick-or-treaters so that he could be ready... give them only one piece of candy (if he even noticed a ghoul at all as he was stuffing his own face).  Captain America of course was happy to give out handfuls, although he too stopped for a few nibbles before throwing the half eaten candy bar into the bushes.

I think the fun of the night was evident by the sugar crash that DIDN'T happen until 9:30 p.m.  Oh, and also in these photos captured as C & S shot out their powers.

What?  You think Spidey is the only one that can cast webs?  Not so!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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