Friday, January 04, 2013

Adoption: Article 5

Another step down!

Yesterday, I got an email from the Consulate in Guangzhou that Ming Jia's DS230 has become Article 5!  Next, it will be shipped to Great Wall's office in Beijing and their staff will walk it into the CCCWA.  Once this happens, we will start counting our 3-8 weeks for Travel Approval.  That's when we will know when we can go get our girl!

It's hard to believe we are this close.  I am overwhelmed with a list of things to do before we travel.  Many of those things are directly related to the adoption and our trip to China (I won't even attempt to exhaust this list now), and some have to do with preparing for Lakey to be a physical part of our family here.  Currently, her room is Blue Pirate and that, of course, will never do.  She also needs clothes, but besides what I will take for her to China, I am mostly holding out until she comes home and I finally know her true size.  If only I had Superman's x-ray vision and could see through that sumo wrestler silhouette to get a better idea of how big her little body is underneath!  But alas, I will just have to be okay with not being prepared. 

I am, however, making mental strides on her room.  Nothing has been done yet, but I finally have the paint color picked out and have her bedding narrowed down to one or two options I think.  I also ordered four little art prints yesterday that I am superD-duper excited about! 

Stay tuned!

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