Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gotcha Day...continued

I took these pictures after we got back to the room on Sunday.  Lakey did just fine.

Miles gave her every toy he had to give.

And she discovered them each.  One by one.

She played well.  Usually sharing one toy with someone else before picking up the next.

Miles has a way with her.

I started peeling off her layers to get her ready for a bath.  Did I mention she was wearing six thick tops?  She had sweated through four of them.

Miles showed her how his army of toys could easily transfer to the tub.

She had on four pairs of pants, and two diapers.  Both diapers tied to her waist with a string.

She was terrified (and still is) of the bath.  It was obvious she had never been submerged in a tub of water before.  Sponge baths only I guess, which explains why she was was so dirty.  I think that kind of bathing can only do so much.

She has a beloved bear that came in her bag of things.  She stands him up, sits him down, hugs him, and kisses him.

I didn't wash her hair the first night after seeing how traumatic the bath was to her.  But thankfully she was still okay with me afterward.  And after getting her down to just one pajama top and bottom, it turns out she's on the petite side.  She wears 12 month clothes, and every shoe I brought for her falls off her feet.

She's a sweet heart.


Jamie Jones said...

So, it's safe to say she's a bit tinier than Cutler. :) But as Winnie the Pooh says, "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."

She's beautiful, Lindsay. And that smile... sigh.

So completely and incredibly happy for you.

Charlow Family said...

Look at those soulful eyes! And what an incredibly special memory for Miles! It is so cool that he got to go with you. Now you have me wanting to adopt from China :)

Pesky said...

Oh, she is certainly a cutie-pie! The pictures and information has lifted my heart. I know you are thrilled to have your baby in your arms.
Have a wonderful time and keep the blog updated! Please..
Love you,