Miles turned 14 weeks old this week, and it is so cool to see the beginnings of his little personality. He loves to smile, loves to coo back to us in conversation, and is sleeping like a champ! He did his first artwork at school the other day. Ha! It was a little color sheet with his handprint on it. It's so funny to me when they send art or crafts home with him. It's adorable. His teachers also told us that he is a good listener and is "engaged" during storytime. :) Looks like we may have a baby genius on our hands. Ha!
A few weeks ago Miles had a playdate with his buddy Braden and his mom, Morgan. Braden was actually due a week and a half before Miles but ended up being born about a week and a half after. They cooed and had a grand ole time on the playmat together. Adorable!
Last but not least in Northcutt news, Miles celebrated his first Halloween. Call me biased, but I'm thinking he was the cutest little pirate in the world!! He totally got into character. They also had a parade at school, and as you can see, he ended up being a little ghost due to an early blowout. Aw!
He also spent a little time being a cow for fun when he got home, and Jeremy even swears he's learned to moo...
he is so darn cute! I want to see him!
he is so darn cute! I want to see him!
Thanks for sharing the pictures, he is the cutest pirate I've ever
Love, Nana
He really is just the cutest little baby! I wouldn't expect anything less!!
.... so cute! and those big brown eyes are adorable. I want to see him too!!! I love the cow costume!
can i get an update??? I mean for real how is that baby boy doing, and I need MORE PICS!!
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